Quality, Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection Policy

What does IVT stand for?


With innovative ideas, creativity, flexibility, and professional expertise, we aim to achieve our goals and remain competitive. On this foundation, we continuously evolve to meet both our own high standards of quality and safety, as well as those of our customers.


Our customers expect a reliable partner, and IVT Weiner + Reimann GmbH stands for this with its name. We strive to be among the best in our business areas. Long-standing, collaborative customer relationships are evidence of this.


IVT Weiner + Reimann GmbH sees itself as a partner to our customers, as well as to our own employees. We rely on trust, fairness, and honesty, and we stand by our word. This is the foundation of our actions.

Our Company / Code of Conduct

The sustainable and long-term economic success of our company is measured not only by numbers but also by the satisfaction of our customers. The quality of our work is therefore an essential component of value creation in the interest of our customers.

We support fair competition within the framework of legal regulations. Agreements on prices, delivery terms, and the exchange of competition-related information are prohibited. Failure to comply may result in high fines and legal consequences for the involved employees.

For this reason, we prohibit all employees from personal benefit-taking and favoritism, as well as the acceptance of gifts or other gratuities. Acceptance is only allowed if the value is negligible (maximum 50.00 euros) and does not create any dependency between the giver and the recipient.

We treat our employees with respect, regardless of nationality, skin color, gender, religion, disability, or personal lifestyle. Each individual is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of our employees. We also expect all employees to actively contribute to the success of our company.

Sustainability is an important topic at IVT Weiner + Reimann GmbH, and therefore we have set ourselves the goal of shaping business relationships along the supply chain in accordance with ecological, social, and ethical standards. For this reason, we have created a Code of Conduct / Sustainability Policy for suppliers that is binding for both parties.

Furthermore, as part of the Action Plan for Business and Human Rights, we have created and published our DNK Declaration (German Sustainability Code) in the form of a report based on the 20 DNK criteria. We voluntarily conducted this reporting and aim to contribute to the improvement of human rights conditions along global supply and value chains.

Our Commitment

  • We view quality, environmental, and occupational safety goals as equally important corporate objectives alongside economic success.
  • We consider our customers, employees, and suppliers as partners with whom we develop and implement our products and services according to the latest technological standards.
  • Our employees are our success. Satisfied and motivated employees are essential for satisfied customers and economic success.
  • Through our SGA management system according to DIN ISO 45001, we are committed to preventing work-related injuries and illnesses by providing safe and health-conscious working conditions. We are aware of our specific hazards, and our staff is trained to manage them. In the event of legal or technical changes, processes are adjusted to eliminate or minimize the risks. Legal obligations and other requirements represent the minimum standard for us.
  • We can only achieve the success and continuous improvement of the SGA management system through ongoing collaboration with our employees, by consulting and involving them.
  • In addition to issues of quality and environmental protection, occupational safety is a central component of our corporate policy. The goal of management is, therefore, to achieve the following objectives through technical and organizational measures, as well as by providing sufficient resources.

Our Goals

  • We aim to offer our customers flawless products and services at fair prices.
  • We apply selected methods to monitor and measure our processes, which allow us to review our objectives.
  • We aim to prevent errors through established process workflows. However, should any errors occur, they are systematically documented and analyzed to ensure that these mistakes are not repeated.
  • We aim to prevent work-related injuries or illnesses, accidents, personal, property, and environmental damage. Every employee has the right to return home healthy after work. This also applies to employees under the temporary employment law (AÜG) and subcontractors. For this reason, we have set ourselves the goal of achieving “zero” accidents.
  • We are committed to complying with all relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines, particularly those concerning occupational health and safety as well as environmental protection, and to applying them in the conduct of our activities.
  • We make use of all opportunities for energy savings and resource conservation. These are important principles for us in providing our services.
  • We actively participate in environmentally responsible waste disposal. Therefore, we have implemented waste disposal regulations for our company that are binding for all employees.

These corporate guidelines apply in full to our company IVT Menzenbach GmbH as well.

Oberhausen, April 3, 2024